Mac Power 1997 December
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TEXT_15970_General Hardware.txt
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General Hardware Definitions
Note: {Text} = Expect positive response only under given circumstance
窶「 Machine = Type of macintosh. The (XXX) is the actual ID number assigned to
the machine by Apple.
笳 Total Hours in Use = Number of hours which the Mac has been on since it
was manufactured {Mac IIci or newer}
笳 Date Manufactured = Date of manufacture {Mac IIci or newer}
窶「 窶「 窶「 窶「 窶「 窶「 窶「 窶「 窶「 窶「 窶「 窶「 窶「 窶「 窶「 窶「 窶「 窶「 窶「 窶「 窶「 窶「 窶「 窶「 窶「 窶「 窶「
窶「 Addressing Modes Status :
笳 Machine is 32-Bit capable = Does the machine have a 32-bit Memory
+ System Zone is 32-Bit compatible = Are the block headers in the
System Zone 32-bit clean?
+ Booted in 32-Bit mode = Did the machine start in 32-bit mode?
窶「 ATA/IDE Mgr :
笳 ATA is Present = Yes/No. This IBM-PC standard bus is installed in some
Macs to control the internal drive (0) only. See the ATA/IDE report.
+ ATA Version = Version of manager
+ ATA Buses = Actual number of buses present. This is somewhat different
from the SCSI bus in that there is one bus per the number of devices
which can be supported. In the PB5300, for example, this value is 5.
窶「 Display Mgr :
笳 Display Mgr is Present = Yes/No
+ Display Mgr Version = Version
+ Has Mirrored Switch = Supports control of video mirroring (2 monitors
with same image displayed)
+ Has SetDepth Notification = Supports notification when depth is changed
窶「 Energy Conservation :
笳 Monitor Energy Saver is Present = Apple version of screen saver which
powers tube down and saves energy
+ Monitor Energy Saver Version = Version
+ Monitor Energy Saver is Running = Yes/No
笳 CPU Energy Saver is Present = Shuts down computer at set time
+ CPU Energy Saver Version = Version
+ CPU Energy Saver is Running = Yes/No
笳 Energy Savers are Combined = Systems starting with 7.5.3 combined
these two Control Panels into the Energy Saver application
窶「 Expansion Bus Mgr is Present = In pci machines, provides access to i/o
memory and manages the storage of some info in NVRAM.
窶「 Keyboard (Active) = Type of keyboard which was last used. There may be
more than one keyboard connected at a time. Check the ADB report
窶「 Memory:
笳 RAM Size = Total bytes of RAM installed (Random Access Memory)
笳 Virtual Memory is In Use = Virtual Memory uses various methods to
increase the effective amount of RAM memory
+ Type = VM can either reside on disk or can be in the form of RAM
compression, e.g. RAM Doubler
+ Logical Page Size = Number of bytes exchanged between RAM
and VM at one time
笳 Virtual + RAM Memory Size = Total number of bytes of memory
available to system and processes
笳 System :
+ Highest Usable RAM Address = Highest RAM address available to
+ High RAM Used by System = RAM allocated to video and sound buffers,
and reserved by INITs, etc. at startup
+ Low RAM Used by System = RAM allocated to vectors, global variables,
and dispatch tables
+ Memory Used by Finder = RAM occupied by the Finder
+ Memory Used by System Heap = RAM allocated to the system heap.
This is not only used by the system as applications can also allocate
space in the system heap. This includes the space taken by the Disk
Cache, if any
- Memory Used by Disk Cache = RAM used by the Disk Cache set in the
Memory control panel.
+ Total System Related Memory = Total Memory used by system. This
value should approximate the value for the System found in the
窶廣bout This Macintosh窶 dialog for the System.
+ System Heap Free Space = Free Space currently available in System
Heap. Corresponds to the white space in the bar next to System in
窶廣bout this Macintosh窶
笳 CPU can Check Parity = Is machine equipped for Parity RAM? This
type of RAM is used when detection of any RAM anomaly is critical.
This is a special order capability for computers used in sensitive
+ Parity Checking is Enabled = Yes/No
笳 Modern Memory Mgr is Present = Optimized version only available
on Power Macs
+ Modern Memory Mgr is running = Power Macs can run the original
笳 System Heap can Grow = System heap can add memory as needed
笳 Temp Mem is Supported = Processes can temporarily access free memory
+ Temp Mem Handles are Real = Yes/No
+ Temp Mem Handles are Tracked = Yes/No
窶「 Name Registry :
笳 Name Registry is Present = This manager is the interface between
objects in the device-tree and software drivers. Present on pci Macs
+ Name Registry Version = Version
窶「 Open Firmware is Present = Recognizes and configures pci devices
窶「 PC (PCMCIA) Card Services :
笳 Card Services is Present = Provides support for PCMCIA cards
+ CS Vendor = Vendor which provided this service
+ CS Revision = Revision
+ CS Level = Level of standard supported
+ CS Sockets = Number of cards supported
窶「 Power Mgr :
笳 Power Mgr is Present = Yes/No Controls power related functions in
portables plus energy saver functions in other Macs
笳 Dispatch Routines are Present = Yes/No
+ Dispatch Routine Count = Number of Power Mgr routines
窶「 Printer :
笳 Current Printer Driver = Name of driver currently specified in the
+ Printer Driver Version = Version
笳 Current Printer = Name of printer currently specified in the
+ Printer Type = Laser, serial, etc
+ Printer Zone = If networked printer, the name of the Zone in which it is
窶「 ROM Attributes :
笳 ROM Size = Size of ROM (Read Only Memory) chip containing most of
the system窶冱 functionality
笳 ROM Version = Version number of ROM chip
+ ROM is Universal = Is this the new standard version of the ROM?
+ ROM is 32 Bit Clean = Yes/No
笳 ROM Sub-Version = Used to distinguish minor changes to the basic ROM
笳 ROM Checksum = Sometimes used to identify ROM version in older machines
笳 ROM Start = Address indicating the beginning of ROM. This address can be
compared against the address returned in the Traps listings to determine
if a trap has been patched
窶「 SCSI Mgr:
笳 Original SCSI Mgr is Present = Yes/No
笳 Async SCSI Mgr is Present = Provides support for multiple SCSI buses
+ Async SCSIツ Mgr Version = Version
+ Number of SCSI Buses = Power Macs, for example, are equipped with 2
+ Async SCSIツ Mgr can Boot from Slot = Yes/No
+ Async SCSIツ Mgr is in ROM = Yes/No
窶「 Serial Port Attributes :
笳 GPIa is connected to DCDa = Does the modem port provide
handshaking on pin 7 of the connector in addition to pins 1 and 2?
笳 GPIb is connected to DCDb = Does the printer port provide
handshaking on pin 7 of the connector in addition to pins 1 and 2?
笳 GPIa is connected to RTxCa = Does the modem port provide
support for devices with separate data clocks, such as synchronous
笳 Serial Hardware Type = Four character code
笳 Serial DMA Is Present = Is Direct Memory Access available
+ Serial DMA Version = Version
笳 Serial Port Arbitration is Present = Code which arbitrates
the use of the serial ports by different programs
窶「 Slot Mgr (Nubus/PDS) :
笳 Slot Mgr is Present = The slot manager is present in some Macs which
do not have physical Nubus/PDS slots, usually to provide services
such as built-in video or ethernet
+ Slot Mgr Version = Version
窶「 Software Power-off = Mac power shuts off completely with Shut Down
窶「 Sound Attributes :
笳 New Sound Manager is Present = Yes
+ Sound Mgr Version = Version
+ MACE Version = Version
+ SPB Version = Version
+ Sound Hardware Type = Four character code
笳 Sound Mgr Supports Multiple Channels = Yes/No
笳 Sound Mgr Supports 16-bit Audio = Yes/No
笳 SoundPlayDoubleBuffer is Present = Yes/No
笳 Has Stereo capability = Can the machine process stereo sounds?
笳 Stereo Sound is Combined for Internal Speaker = Is the stereo
mixed for play though the internal speaker?
笳 Input Mgr is Present = Is the machine capable of sound input?
笳 Input Device is Present = Does the machine have any sound
input device?
+ Built-In Input Device is Present = Yes/No
笳 Input Port can accept Line Level Mic = Yes/No
笳 Can Play and Record Together = Can you play and record
笳 Can Play and Record 16-bit Audio = Yes/No
笳 Can Record Stereo = Yes/No